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Quote hqipavfan Replybullet Posted: May 15 2013 at 12:20am
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Quote pfhaof67ds Replybullet Posted: May 16 2013 at 12:03am
st in restricting them to heterosexuals. Gay couples cannot bear children on their own, and no one wants to endanger the species. Fortunately, marriage licenses are in infinite supply. Homo sapiens will persevere even if homosexuals wed. Barring homosexuals from matrimony also could be defended if gay marriages somehow diluted straight ones, just as allowing illegal aliens to vote would diminish the impact of current citizens’ ballots. But gay marriages need not disqualify straight couples from public or private goods. Nor should the marriage of Bob and Carl decrease the mutual devotion of Ted and Alice. Perhaps professor George overdosed on wedding cake before concluding that gay marriage will “abolish the institution” of matrimony. Will gay couples who wear wedding bands propel straight duos into divorce court? Would a gay-nuptials invitation lead a bride-to-be to ring her betrothed and cancel their ceremony? What does devalue traditional marriage are domestic partnerships that bestow privileges on heterosexuals who merely shack up. If wedlock’s material benefits (e.g. health coverage for one’s unwed companion) are granted on the cheap, why exchange vows? Even gay-marriage opponents must admit that homosexual couples who seek matrimony at least intend to remain together. The state asks no similar lifetime commitment from registered domestic partners. This prospective amendment exposes the schizophrenia endemic among social conservatives regarding homosexuality. For years, socio-cons complained about proverbial gay men sleeping with 1,000 different partners every year — rendering sex a full-time job. Even less apocryphal promiscuity — of whatever stripe — carries both emotional and medical risks. Now that gays seek monogamy and permanence, social conservatives want to silence the wedding bells. Which is it? There is no magic wand to turn gays straight. And if there were, only a totalitarian state would wave it at its citizens. Since gay people will not go away, social conservatives should welcome a strategy to advance homosexual fidelity and stability. Professor George believes heterosexual marriage enjoys “moral principles at its foundation” rather than “mere subjective preferences or sentimental motivations,” as if love and shared sacrifice did not underlie gay unions. Such profound and deeply personal moral issues belong in America’s churches and synagogues rather than Congress or City Hall. Let reverends and rabbis decide what the meaning of the word “marriage” is. I call this policy “separation of marriage and state.” As libertarian author David Boaz suggests, once government stops decreeing which people may and may not spend their lives together, questions of gay and straight marriage will become private ones,vans authentic. “Marriage is an important institution,” Boaz has written. “The modern mistake is to think that important things must be planned, sponsored, reviewed,vans shoes, or licensed by the government.” It should not be government’s concern which individual a person identifies as an heir, hospital visitor or recipient of Social Security survivor’s payments. Through private contracts, people could designate a significant other to enjoy such benefits. The tax code ideally should contain neither marriage penalties nor preferences. It should raise revenue for necessary public functions, not discriminate for or against married people. If Americans are equal before the law, these choices should be made by private parties, not politicians. During a 1989 visit to Moscow, I watched newlyweds pose for photographs at Lenin’s Tomb. How odd, I thought,vans caps, that these couples essentially sought the posthumous approval of the USSR’s first dictator. The fact that Americans in love must bow before live bureaucrats in order to dedicate their futures to each other is as absurd as that scene in Red Square.[标签:标题]
When Alan Greenspan journeys up to Capitol Hill to deliver his semi-annual policy testimony, his principal task will be to convince Congress and the public that multiple Fed actions so
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Quote yueguhaoi6 Replybullet Posted: May 16 2013 at 5:31am
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Quote sq39i7dsk Replybullet Posted: May 16 2013 at 9:32pm
This includes hair accessories as well. A good look for the upcoming season is an upswept do held together with just the tiniest of clips. Some sparkle in the hair is always welcome, such as a set of small, crystal barrettes, so long as it is understated.
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Quote qmin4sw5uw2 Replybullet Posted: May 17 2013 at 12:36am
Le cardinal 23 n a pas encore répondu, attendant que les passions se calment. Et la réponse du frère JP Longeat (http// est des plus mesurée. Mais non, M. Marcelle a entendu l Eglise vociférer ... Il entendrait des voix ? Allez, pour le plasir, relisons cette prose   On passera sur la réaction indignée, tout en cris d’orfraie et croassements de corbeaux, de l’Eglise interpellée. On ne s’attardera pas non plus sur la part misérable, au regard de sa fortune, de l’aumône qu’elle consacre aux sans-abri, ni de quelle façon elle organise ses bonnes œuvres dans la sélection de ses pauvres Approximations, mensonges, discrédit, calomnie... En 5 lignes... M,sac pliage longchamp solde. Marcelle et ses indignations sélectives, ses oeillères et son idéologie - allez, je me fais plaisir, oui, son idéologie nauséabonde... La politique comme rapport de force ... Diable, avec des baïonnettes ? Au goulag les riches ? Ecrasons l infâme et l Etat, dans sa toute-puissance, apportera bonheur et lumière aux survivants - pardon, au prolétariat enfin libéré ? Oui, nauséabonde,longchamps le pliage soldes, son idéologie. PS je n évoque pas l argument qui est de dire que l Etat est infoutu depuis 30 ans de gérer la pauvreté, et que réquisitionner des bâtiments ne servirait à rien vu que l Etat serait infoutu d accueillir les sdf. Ou alors il demanderait aux bénévoles de l Eglise ?   l Eglise est aujourd hui l un des acteurs (sinon l acteur) le plus engagé dans la lutte dontre la pauvreté, et sans doute le plus intelligemment,sac longchamps pas chere. Admettons, pour vous faire plaisir! Mais a-t-elle fait quelque chose contre les causes de la pauvreté?Ne s arrangerait-elle pas de l existence des pauvres?Ne l a-t-on point vu derrière Pinochet et consort?Et pour ce qui est de la stigmatisation, reconnaissez que l église en connait un rayon!   J ai adoré les efforts de la cathocratie pour ne pas dire NIET frontalement ! C est pas à nous, c est au Vatican Mais nous avons déjà nos 132 pauvres Y a déjà le Secours catholique, et lui il est payé par l Etat, donc ça nous coûte moins cher (en vérité, je vous le dis, je l ai entendu !)etc.Aussi convaincant que leurs arguments contre le mariage pour tous les couples !   Perso, leurs arguments contre le mariage pour tous ne sont pas idiots. Deux hommes ou deux femmes forment une paire, biologiquement parlant, pas un couple...Alors, le mariage pour tous les couples ...   Le mariage est là pour protéger les enfants et la (future) mère. Et la biologie, on n a encore rien trouvé de mieux pur se reproduire. Après, on peu rentrer dans la confusion des choses et l idéologie, mais bon, ça n e fait pas pour autant un projet de société. Au fait, z ont eu des oeufs, vos pingouins ? Bonne journée.   Argument sempiternel ...Vous créez les définitions que vous voulez, en dépit de la réalité, et vous en tirez vos propres conclusions impossible d argumenter.Avec votre définition, on interdit alors de mariage les humains stériles, quelle que soit la raison (âge, biologie, etc.).Rév
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Quote huang11777 Replybullet Posted: May 17 2013 at 5:25am
Like Wacho he relies on his cows to support his family but when the insurance man came to visit Siko decided to prioritize paying the school fees.One driver, according to the English-language Russian news channel RT,cheap ray ban sunglasses, said his truck was pushed tens of meters by floodwaters, while the force of the floodwaters ripped a 10-year-old girl her mother's arms.In December, vegetable prices surged 14.Andrew McGhie, estate agent, LamuWoodhams says it's mostly Kenyan or Kenyan-linked investors that drove the country's prime housing market to the top spot."When I was a boy,ray ban outlet, my parents always bought me gifts for Spring Festival,cheap ray bans, although we didn't have much money then," Cao said.S."Brazilian driver Bruno Senna has quit Formula 1 to race for Aston Martin in this year's World Endurance Championship. Played by Jessica Chastain, she's cold, calculating and completely uninterested in anything but killing the 9/11 mastermind.The Obama administration on Wednesday indicated it would fight to uphold Bahlul's conviction on that charge, a decision that could eventually put the case before the U.Besides meeting the needs of people who have lost loved ones, the coffee shop can serve another purpose, according to Robinson.Palfrey,, 49, is vying to be the first person to swim 103 miles across the Florida straits without any assistance no shark cage, flippers, wet suit or snorkel.
"They just don't do it."There were no passengers on board the aircraft although the flight crew was lost.What should happen is that the citizens will realize that they have to pay in order to bring Greece back to what it used to be and what it should be.Myth #5: Claiming your money is difficult. Barclays former boss Bob Diamond was in the spotlight when he was questioned by British parliament's 13-strong Treasury Committee last week,ray ban wayfarer, but the rate-fixing scandal which lost him his job looks set to reach far further afield. I saw other people in the food court running out of the doors.Nha, who was a member of the Commission for External Affairs, Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, says the Metropole was the only hotel in the city to have a shelter.

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Quote cheap99toms2 Replybullet Posted: May 18 2013 at 1:39am
Berry, managed to escape and phone 911 that officers came and got them to freedom.With Ariel Castro, 52, and brothers Pedro, 54, and Onil Castro, 50, in custody and awaiting charges, authorities have come under scrutiny for how they missed clues that Berry and two other young women were being kept as prisoners in the rundown home in the city's west side neighborhood.Berry, whom police called a hero for breaking out of the house Monday and summoning help, had disappeared in 2003 when she was 16. Michelle Knight went missing in 2002, when she was 20. Gina DeJesus, then 14, was reported missing in 2004.Police, along with officials of the Children and Family Services department, visited the house in January 2004 to follow up on a report that Castro,ray ban promo, then a bus driver for the Cleveland public schools, had left a child on a bus while he ate lunch.Police say they investigated that incident, but felt there was no criminal wrong-doing and the matter was dropped.“He was interviewed extensively due to that investigation,” Deputy Cleveland Police Chief Ed Tomba told reporters at a news conference Tuesday.Other reports said neighbors had called police after seeing suspicious activity at the house over the years. This undated combination photo released by the Cleveland Police Department shows from left, Onil Castro, Ariel One neighbor, Elsie Cintron, told a reporter from the BBC that her granddaughter saw a naked woman crawling in the backyard of Ariel Castro. Cintron said she told her grandchildren to stay away from the home. She also said she told police, but got discouraged a lack of action by police.Officials said Ariel Castro had called police to his home in March 2000, when he reported a fight in the street outside his home on Seymour Avenue on the city’s west side. But that was before any of the women were missing.Shortly before 6 p.m. ET Monday,ray ban 8012, Tomba said,ray ban 2013 5248, Berry, with the help of neighbors, was able to break out of the house and summon police. She was reported missing on April 21, 2003, after vanishing on the way home from her job at a local Burger King.After Berry called 911, police responded to the home at 552 p.m. DeJesus and Knight were found inside.Berry escaped the house along with a 6-year-old girl. Police confirmed the child was Berry's daughter but would not say who the father was. According to reports,While police would not comment publicly on whether the women had been abused or raped while held captive, several publications quote police sources as saying the women had been forced to have sex with their captors, resulting in multiple pregnancies.The stories of Berry and DeJesus have captivated the city of Cleveland for a decade. They have been the subject of numerous vigils and city searches. Police have followed leads over the years, including digging up two backyards seeking their remains. On Monday, crowds gathered in the neighborhood where they were found and at the hospital where they were taken later.“Our prayers have finally been answered—this nightmare is over,” said Stephen Anthony, speciRelated articles:

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Quote dfgokkssd Replybullet Posted: May 18 2013 at 2:10am
n»,longchamps sac pas cher petit, estime que «si le Qatar continue à investir, il n’y a aucune raison que cette domination s’arrête». Selon une étude du Pew Research Center américain, seuls 41% des Français seraient encore favorables à l Union européenne, à l opposé de l opinion allemande. Une étude du Pew Research Center, publiée aujourd’hui, montre que pour la plupart des Européens l’UE serait responsable de tous leurs maux. Les Français seraient les plus amers. EDITORIAL A priori, les conclusions sont déprimantes. Pour une majorité de Français, d’Espagnols ou de Grecs, l’Europe serait la responsable de tous leurs maux. Jamais... Alors que les efforts diplomatiques n avancent guère et que la situation humanitaire se dégrade sans cesse, les dirigeants anglais et américain espèrent infléchir peu à peu la position de Moscou. Écrans Pierre Lescure a présenté ce matin au Ministère de la Culture les conclusions de sa mission de neuf mois sur l « Acte II de l exception culturelle ». Il n y avait pas de cotillons, quel dommage. Essayez l’édition abonnés 1€ seulement le 1er mois Je m'abonne Vidéo Fin de l Hadopi : «On change d ambiance» Sophian Fanen, journaliste à «Libération»,sac longchamp paqs cher pliage l, détaille les deux principales mesures sur les 80 proposées par Pierre Lescure pour adapter le monde de la culture à l ère numérique.   Vidéo Une saison du PSG en images De l arrivée de Zlatan Ibrahimovic en juillet dernier au titre de champion obtenu ce dimanche, retour sur une saison mouvementée pour le Paris Saint-Germain.   Vidéo Dans ton casque: Anna, 23 ans Champagne ! La vie est belle. Et Anna se sent libre. Elle a choisi cinq titres dans son lecteur mp3 pour LibéLabo.    Consultez des milliers d offres d emploi sur Paris et sa région avec notre partenaire   Commentez et archivez gratuitement vos articles favoris avec MonLibé Je m'inscris ouse connecterSyrie, l horreur à huis-clos Bachar al-Assad réprime dans le sang le soulèvement de la population dans plusieurs villes du pays.   Un combattant de l Armée syrienne libre aux abords d une base des troupes loyalistes, près de Damas,le pliage longchamps pas cher, le 3 février. (Photo Goran Tomasevic. Reuters) Décryptage Washington a promis une aide directe à l’opposition à Bachar al-Assad, rencontrée hier à Rome, mais refuse toujours de livrer des armes. Ce n’est pas encore demain que l’opposition syrienne aura les armes qu’elle réclame. Les Etats-Unis ont cependant fait un geste en promettant une aide supplémentaire de 60 millions de dollars (46 millions d’euros) à l’insurrection et en s’engageant à lui fournir pour la première fois des aides directes. Ces questions ont été débattues hier, à la réunion dite de Rome, où se sont retrouvés les Amis du peuple syrien - un groupe de 11 membres, surtout européens et arabes, créé à l’initiative de Paris et Washington en réponse aux vetos russe et chinois sur une résolution du Conseil de sécurité condamnant le régime syrien. Cette aide sera non léthale, a pris soin de préciser l’administration américaine, ce qui va provoquer la colère de l’opposition, laquelle s’est d’ailleurs fait tirer l’oreille pour venir à Rome. Parallèlement, la communauté internationale a multiplié les pressions pour que Damas et l’opposition entament des négociations, afin de trouver une issue au conflit syrien qui a commencé à déborder de ses frontières.Washington a-t-il commencé de changer de stratégie ?Selon le Washington Post, les Etats-Unis réfléchissent effectivement à un changement majeur de leur stratégie. Dans ce cadre, ils devraient fournir aux rebelles des gilets pare-balles, des véhicules blindés et même un entraînement militaire. Pas d’armes, officiellement. Soit un paradoxe : Washington a maintes fois fait savoir que le régime syrien ne pouvait pas rester en place, mais il s’est refusé à fournir à l’opposition les moyens de le renverser. Cependant, les positions britanniques, souvent proches des Etats-Unis et qui peuvent servir de ballons d’essai, pourrai
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Quote dlvanwpqj Replybullet Posted: May 18 2013 at 6:48am
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Quote nxt77du6rg Replybullet Posted: May 18 2013 at 12:41pm
g overachievers, very close to each other,tommy hilfiger t shirt, a testament to the greatness of America. And of course to the wonder of their mother.[标签:标题]
Back to School. Ah, high school! My daughter begins attending the local high school this week. We went along to the parents’ orientation session last week. I noticed the thing I always notice at these things: The parents who show up are pretty solidly white-European. In a gathering of over 200, there were five visible exceptions — say three percent. The school boasts of being 35-percent minority, though shows 30 percent. Advertisement I was keen to get a look at the principal, Carmela Leonardi, about whom there has been a fuss recently. In very brief: Some parents and school-board members recently tried to dislodge Ms. Leonardi, apparently believing that she showed interest in,tommy hilfiger e shop, and concern for, only the Hispanic students. The pot boiled over when Ms. Leonardi began providing translation services into Spanish at parents’ meetings. Fighting against dismissal,T Shirts tommy hilfiger, Ms. Leonardi played the race card, threatening litigation via federal “discrimination” laws. The school board backed down. A big fat federal lawsuit would be a disaster for a small school district like this one, so it looks as though we’re stuck with Ms. Leonardi.For detailed news stories (though mainly biased ones — Long Island Newsday is several ticks to the multiculturalist left of the New York Times), see here, here, here, and google at will. Ms. Leonardi gets stinky reports on, though since I have only just started using this site, I’m not sure how much weight I should give to that. Around the neighborhood it’s hard to find anyone with kids at the high school who thinks Ms. Leonardi is right for her job. Even the love-the-world bleeding hearts,Swimwear tommy hilfiger, the tree-huggers and whale-savers, and the types with IMPEACH BUSH bumper stickers, grumble about her. You can’t argue with a federal lawsuit, though. Thus federal laws originally passed in a spirit of atonement for slavery and Jim Crow are used as weapons in a conflict that has nothing to do with either issue — a conflict that is, depending on whom you talk to, either a clash of personalities or an arrogant assertion of Hispanic designated-victim group privileges. Thus do our freedoms — freedoms to work out our own problems at the local level, citizen to citizen — disappear into the insatiable maw of federal government power, all under the banner of “fairness,” “diversity,” and “anti-racism,” against which none dares stand. Oh My God. As further prep for my daughter’s ascent to high school, I have been reading Jeremy Iversen’s High School Confidential. Iversen is from a wealthy Manhattan family and missed the high-school experience, instead attending a tony boys’ boarding school. After graduating college, he decided to do what Cameron Crowe had done 25 years before: Go back to high-school under cover. At age 24 Iverson found he could still pass for 17. He persuaded a California high school, which he pseudonymizes as “Mirador High,” to let him embed as a senior, no-one but the principal knowing.I’m not going to offer a mini-review of Iversen’s book here. It does not have many surprises — certainly not for those of us who believe that California is an irredeemably messed-up place to whose land borders someone should apply a humongous power saw so that the entire wretched state could float off into the Pacific Ocean and cease bothering us.The strongest impression I got from Iversen’s book was of mediocrity. None of the school’s students or teachers seems very smart or interesting, and not much teaching or learning gets done. One of the author’s footnotes tells the essential tale: “As a Mirador twelfth-grader, I never had to write a paper longer than two pages. I never had to find any source beyond the one assigned book.”This isn’t a slum school, mind. The parents of Iversen’s classmates were small business and professional people and civil servants, some well above middle-middleRelated articles:

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