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Quote fi0vg6df4k Replybullet Topic: but how is such a m
    Posted: May 16 2013 at 5:06pm
Steelers, who was anointed chairman of the Diversity Committee. (Follow all that, The owners, collectively, seemed relieved to be clear of a lawsuit, and seen as “doing something.”The question of black coaches and the NFL has long been a staple of sports–and-sociology. For many years,Toms Shoes Outlet Sale, sportswriters would pen–oh, every couple of months–the Tony Dungy Column. This was the column that said, “Tony Dungy [a prominent black assistant coach] is a marvel, and he doesn’t have a head-coaching job. It’s an outrage and proves the inveterate racism of the NFL.” The Tony Dungy Column stopped being written, however, when Dungy was indeed hired as a head coach. Actually, that column is still being written, only instead of Tony Dungy it’s Ted Cottrell, Greg Blache, Lovie Smith, and a few others: These are black assistant coaches whose lack of head-coaching jobs is said to be a scandal, further proving the racism of professional football. Deserving white assistant coaches are apparently never deprived of their due.The coaching question is an important one, of course, and a vexing one: The NFL is a league dominated by black players; but there are only three black head coaches, out of the 32 teams–which seems a gross imbalance, if you think in racial terms. The NFL has been working to “develop” black coaches: They have a “minority coaching internship program,” and there is a similar program in the European NFL (yes, there is one).But when the Lions’ Millen went to hire his head coach, he wasn’t thinking about race or redress: He was thinking about Steve Mariucci, the Peg o’ his heart. The two were old friends, and Millen had long wanted Mariucci at the head of his team. It was an open secret. So when the 49ers dumped him, Millen promptly fired his own head coach (a sap named Marty Mornhinweg) and snapped up Mariucci. But there was that rule: so he felt out those black coaches, who refused to play along, and rightly so. Then he inked his man.Whereupon a bit of hell broke loose. Cyrus Mehri, the lawyer, said “what Matt Millen has done harkens back to the good-old-boy days.” Jesse Jackson called for the punishment of the Lions. (“Lions Fed to Christian”?) The Detroit City Council–those statesmen–unanimously passed a resolution condemning the hiring. Now, this business of interviewing candidates of a certain color-regardless of your plans or thinking-is a tricky one. Gene Upshaw, head of the Players Association, warned of this, way back: He said that, if you mandated something like the Rooney Rule, “it will lead to sham interviews and sham lists [of coaches].” But when Millen hired the coach of his dreams, Upshaw said that he had “treated [the rule] almost as a nuisance.” Well, no kidding. Many commentators have scoffed at “courtesy” interviews, and “going through the motions,” and “dog-’n'-pony shows”–but if they support tokenism–nay, mandate it–what else do they expect? They decry the indignity that a black coach has to suffer when he’s used as a pawn in the satisfaction of a rule-but, again, what else do they expect?Teams had better interview these black candidates “in good faith,” they say, and “with an open mind”: but how is such a mental state to be determined? Part of Matt Millen’s problem was that he was just too honest–too human, too normal. In fact, Larry Lee, a former Lions executive–black, if anyone cares-told Michael Wilbon of the Washington Post, “It was Matt’s inexperience in the front office that led him to be so open about [his] desire, when an experienced front-office executive would have kept [it] to himself.” So Millen is penalized, and demonized, for not being a more convincing actor in a charade: for saying (essentially), “This is the coach I want, race has nothing to do with it, I’m going to hire him, if NFL teams still have something like freedom of action.”After Millen was fined, he–and the Lions-mounted all the usual defenses: beginning with “Some of my best friends are black.” (Millen’s compadre at Penn Sta Related articles:
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Quote mpiwtq147r Replybullet Posted: May 16 2013 at 11:27pm
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Quote pb5y7jkdvs Replybullet Posted: May 18 2013 at 12:35pm
commissions ", est qu'on en était resté au stade de l'intention et de la mise en place au cours de repas d'affaires. Le réseau de corruption, dont les deus ex machina auraient été Michel Vialatte et l'affairiste Pierre Besrest, ayant été tué dans l'ouf. Les avocats des corrupteurs putatifs ont donc demandé, eux aussi, la relaxe de leurs clients. Idem pour celui de René Daolio. Ancien chef, sous-médecin, de la " spéciale ",, une brigade d'agents municipaux chargés du collage d'affiche, promu, sous l'actuel maire (UMP) Peyrat, contrôleur de services du nettoiement, ce gros bras " médeciniste " n'aurait été utilisé que comme simple chauffeur de maître. Enfin, Me Luciani, aux intérêts de Pierre Besrest, un maniaque du portable trahi par les écoutes téléphoniques, a demandé l'indulgence du tribunal pour cet homme de soixante-deux ans, cassé par la prison. Jugement le 11 juin.   Philippe Jérôme 0 commentaire La discussion est fermée : vous ne pouvez pas poster de nouveaux commentaires.Société -    le 29 Mai 2004   Que faire cette semaine? Mots clés : ile de france,    Bezons Théâtre. " Pas si bête " est un spectacle pour les petits : à travers ombres chinoises et marionnettes, danse et musique, le Théâtre de l'Ombrelle met en scène les héros des fables de La Fontaine dont on redécouvre la saveur,polo lacoste pas cher, la fraîcheur et la cocasserie. Ce samedi 29 mai à 20 h 30, au Théâtre Paul Eluard, 162, rue Maurice Berteaux. Réservation au 01 34 10 20 20. Fontainebleau Fête. Situé au coeur des 25 000 hectares du massif forestier, le Grand Parquet de la capitale du cheval accueille pour la troisième année consécutive une manifestation dédiée aux différentes formes de chasse de courre (grande et petite véneries), aux chiens, aux chevaux de chasse et de trait. Avec, le samedi en soirée, un grand spectacle équestre. " Nature et Vénerie en Fête ", les 5 et 6 juin (entrée 5 euros, gratuit pour les moins de 12 ans). Renseignements : Maison du Tourisme de Seine-et-Marne 01 60 39 60 39 Fontainebleau Livre. D'une prodigieuse richesse, elle recèle 5 685 espèces végétales dont 3 000 variétés de champignons et 80 espèces d'arbres, et 6 000 espèces animales,burberry sac a main, la forêt de Fontainebleau telle que nous la connaissons est une création humaine. Au temps de Louis XIV " la moitié de l'espace est vide, à peine 13 % de la surface est correctement boisée ". Colbert le premier entreprend de vastes plantations. Aménagement et embellissement ne cesseront plus. Cette véritable réserve " naturelle " est fréquentée chaque année par 13 millions de visiteurs. Un ouvrage abondamment illustré et cartographié, " Fontainebleau, une forêt de légendes et de mystères " (Jean-Pierre Hervet et Patrick Mérienne - Editions Ouest-France - 128 pages - 19,3 x 25,8 - 15 euros) en offre une découverte multiple. Pantin Musique. Parmi l'infinité des sentiments qu'elle peut porter, il y a la révolte. C'est ce qu'entend porter le récital " Sur la route " du groupe Poupala qui mêle l
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Quote yibai2013wj Replybullet Posted: May 21 2013 at 12:33pm
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Quote dlvanwpqj Replybullet Posted: May 28 2013 at 7:48pm
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Quote dju1dtc6hf Replybullet Posted: Jun 03 2013 at 8:05am
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Quote wowsf79m84 Replybullet Posted: Jun 04 2013 at 1:47am
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The idea of "Like a Prayer" occurred to Madonna when she faced the problems in her personal life. The singer said that despite her provocative performances which were often banned by the Catholic Church ,birkenstock sandals, she remained Catholic in the bottom of her heart as she was strongly influenced by the Catholic worldview of her Italian father. Her childhood and teenage impressions as well as the troubles she faced in New York City became the background for her single "Like a Prayer"..

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